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Cajeput Organic Essential Oil 0.25 Oz

$ 9.44

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The aroma of cajeput (Melaleuca cajuputi) essential oil is described as medicinal, camphoraceous and herbal. This powerful, effective oil is often used for topical applications such as massage blends, compresses and soaks, as well as for breath support and home cleaning. 

Steam distilled from freshly trimmed branches and leaves of the tree, Aura Cacia Organic Cajeput Essential Oil comes from Vietnam.

Pungent, yet not aromatically overpowering, cajeput essential oil contains cineole and pinene along with other sesquiterpenes.
Cajeput blends well with many other essential oils including bergamot, grapefruit, lemon, sweet orange, lime, lavender, clove bud, eucalyptus, tea tree and frankincense.
In addition to body and home care applications, cajeput essential oil is ideal for outdoor usage in products such as patio sprays or diffusions.

What’s the difference between organic cajeput essential oil and conventional cajeput essential oil?

Organic essential oils differ from conventional oils in that the botanicals from which they are derived are grown according to the USDA’s Organic Standards. Our manufacturing facility and all of our organic essential oils have also been certified organic by the established third-party certifier, Quality Assurance International (QAI).




There are so many ways to use essential oils. The suggested uses below are just an introduction to a wide variety of quick tips and recipes available on auracacia.com. Because essential oils are highly concentrated, we recommend diluting them in a carrier product like skin care oil, water, unscented lotion or unscented liquid soap. Follow this guide for safe, effective use.

Suggested uses

Quick Tip: Mix 12 drops with 1 ounce aloe gel for a purifying rub.

Aromatherapy Notes

Medicinal, mildly fruity.

Botanical name

Melaleuca cajuputi


Organic Melaleuca cajuputi (cajeput) oil.

Purity Guaranteed
  • Paraben Petroleum Free
  • No Synthetic Fragrances
  • No Synthetic Colors or Stabilizers
  • No Animal Testing
  • 100% Pure Essential Oils
  • Organic
  • Paraben Free
  • No Synthetic Colors or Fragrances
  • GC/MS Tested for Purity

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.