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Kinder Garden Flourish Spray 1 oz

$ 16.95

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A child’s bouquet to soothe feelings and nourish radiance

Primary Indications:
* A baseline formula for all children from infancy to pre-adolescence championing the inherent light within the child; helping the soul of the child to find expression and self-esteem
* For any developmental challenges in the child such as learning impediments, emotional trauma, or inappropriate sexual disturbance in the child due to abuse or related cultural influences
* During any time of crisis or dissolution in the child’s family, at school or in the community – such as divorce, death or natural disaster
* As a general protection against hardening or disturbing influences that disrupt the natural learning rhythms of the child, such as technology, travel, or homelessness
* To assist in the over-all harmony of thinking, feeling and willing forces in the child; when the child may develop mental or physical abilities beyond the soul’s capacity for balance and moral advancement

Flower essences: Angelica, Chamomile, Pink Yarrow, Chicory, Mariposa Lily, Buttercup and Downy Avens; Essential oils: Orange, Chamomile, Ylang Ylang

Product of Flower Essence Services, Nevada City, California. Indications by Patricia Kaminski, © Flower Essence Services, used by permission. Permission is required for re-use.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.