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Homeopathy For Musculoskeletal Healing

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By Asa Hershoff, N.D., D.C.

Published 1996


328 pages


Through a meticulous labor of love, Dr. Hershoff has produced a virtual musculoskeletal textbook for chiropractors and physicians who are pursuing a course of natural health care for their patients. The heart of his book, the first of its kind, addresses the homeopathic solutions for musculoskeletal complaints commonly seen in practitioners' offices and commonly experienced by many people in the course of their lives. As he focuses the reader's attention on the musculoskeletal keynotes and affinities of the homeopathic materia medica, easy to read illustrations and charts help us reach the homeopathic cure, (or similimum) for many acute and chronic conditions. This book has the potential to relieve much human suffering.

About the Author

Asa is a holistic doctor, author, mentor and architect of the Elemental Psychology and 5-Element Energy Healing system of mindbody healing and transformation.

His synthesis of the best of global and trans-cultural systems of psychology, Eastern wisdom, Western science and energy healing has created an effective solution to the avalanche of problems that confront us in today's world. Integrating universal truths from G.I Gurdjieff, Tibetan or Vajrayana Buddhism, Daoism, Jung, Joseph Campbell and homeopathic typology, he has established The 5 Wisdoms as an accurate guide to our human journey towards wholeness.

The Mission
"Life on this planet has never been easy. But now we are facing personal and global challenges that are truly unprecedented. My life mission is to share the vision, insights and very practical tools I have discovered. There is an ocean of methods, systems, ideas and puzzle pieces out there. Yet I feel that the core truths have been missed, and in spite of the patchwork quilt of self-help available, the path to wholeness remains unclear. The 5 Wisdoms is a veritable Human Code, the fulfillment of a lifelong wish to re-empower others and help them live the vibrant, meaningful life that is their birthright. And the 5 Elements are truly the elusive and missing template of the human psyche, our biological selves and our spiritual possibilities."

Healing Career
Born in Toronto, Canada, Asa was inspired by the remarkable naturopathic physician and medical intuitive, Dr. John LaPlante to enter the healing arts. Graduating from Chiropractic College, he went on to found the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine, along with his mentor, in 1978. This changed the face of Canadian health care and to date this accredited institution has graduated thousands of naturopathic doctors, who continue to help patients all over Canada and the US, to heal themselves with natural, safe and powerful holistic medicine.

Having practiced in Toronto, Los Angeles and New York for 40 years, Asa now travels extensively with a global clientele. Focusing on various forms of bioenergy healing and classical homeopathy, he continues to refine his understandings of human nature and the connection between spiritual and psychological development.

Writings & Teachings
Dr. Hershoff is author of three books on natural medicine, focusing on homeopathy and herbal medicine. Current works in progress include 5 Element Energy Healing, Elemental Psychology, and The 5 Wisdoms. He has lectured and given courses extensively, focusing on homeopathy, 5 Element Healing and Elemental Psychology

Editorial Reviews

"Hershoff's useful guide to the therapeutic prescription of remedies for muscoloskeletal complaints is concise and clearly written, replete with valuable differential materia medica. A tool for practicing homeopaths and laypersons alike."
- George Guess, M.D., D.Ht.

"This book is an easy reference for anyone treating musculoskeletal disorders. It adds an important dimension to the conventional treatment of low back pain, arthritis, headaches, and similar disorders."
- Cynthia M. Watson, M.D.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.