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MetaRepertory Homeopathic Clinical Repertory

$ 107.00

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By Robin Murphy, ND

Fourth Edition


2,360 Pages


A Modern Alphabetical and Practical Repertory

The Homeopathic Clinical Repertory is the companion book to Nature's Materia Medica.

The Homeopathic Clinical Repertory has already overtaken the other big repertories in the USA. It has the advantage of a simple alphabetic structure that makes it easy to use, so that even beginners can quickly find what they are looking for. Many homeopaths have confirmed that it is handy and practical – they say it is now the only work they use. It is just as comprehensive as the other big repertories (over 2.300 remedies).

It also contains new clinical rubrics such as Ebola, ADHD, chronic fatigue und multiple sclerosis.

The Clinical Repertory contains 74 alphabetically arranged chapters. For example, it is no longer necessary to know whether stomach comes before airways. New overarching chapters were created: as sample: Glands including axillary glands; pancreas ...

In addition, Murphy created completely new chapters that are very valuable in practice:
- Vaccinations – types and side effects
- Children including development and behavior
- Clinical chapter, including blood, diseases, tissue, nerves, emergencies, and pathology
- Constitution including professions, bodily build, complexion, temperament
- Cancer including chemotherapy, organs, and radiation disease
- Pregnancy including misbirth, fetus, birth, labor, childbed
- Poisoning including alcohol, chemicals, drugs, medications, and tobacco
- Time including seasons, periodicity, hours, times of day.
The alphabetical sequence makes it easier to find symptoms within a chapter. To find “pulsating pains”, for example, the reader no longer needs to know whether to look in pain qualities or modalities. Nor is it necessary to search through the large rubric “Pains” - it can be found directly at “pulsating pains.”


The Publisher:

New Design, Rubrics, Additions and Updates!

1. Redesigned Book: The MetaRepertory 4.0 was designed to be a complete rewrite and major upgrade of the Homeopathic Clinical Repertory, third edition. The new MetaRepertory contains 49 chapters arranged in 3 sections, Mind, Body and Clinical. The 49 chapters were created from the 74 chapters of the 3rd edition.

2. New Rubric Additions and Updates: The new MetaRepertory has been updated to be a more clinical, practical and easy-to-use reference guide to the vast homeopathic materia medica. The MetaRepertory contains thousands of new rubrics, additions and updates from modern and historical sources.

3. MetaWord Index: Located at the back of the MetaRepertory, the Word index is greatly expanded to include many more clinical conditions and states.

4. MetaRemedy List: This expanded list includes the remedy abbreviations used in the MetaRepertory and the Latin and common names for many homeopathic and herbal remedies.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.