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Dr. Pitcairn's Complete Guide to Natural Health for Dogs & Cats

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By Richard H. Pitcairn and Susan Hubble Pitcairn

4th Edition Paperback

500 Pages

Over 500,000 copies of Dr. Pitcairn’s Complete Guide to Natural Health for Dogs & Cats have been sold since its original publication 34 years ago. This is the fourth edition shown. Writing with the warmth and compassion that have won them a national following, veterinarian Richard H. Pitcairn and his wife Susan Hubble Pitcairn, noted specialists in chemical-free nutrition and natural healing for pets, show dog and cat owners how to provide the very best in companionship and lifelong care.

This edition has had much revision as the changes in agriculture and factory farming of animals has necessitated a reconsideration of the quality of food available for our use. The increased use of herbicides, pesticides, genetic modification of foods, antibiotics and hormones since the last edition was published has greatly altered, and made more complex, the process of choosing food sources for our animal friends. There are three areas of focus in this regard — health, earth resources, and our relationship to the non-companion animals used for food. The recipes have been extensively updated to reflect these three concerns and to provide the most healthy food possible for those animals close to us.

Included is an extensive (“Quick Reference”) section on  handling emergencies and also suggestions for treatment of commonly encountered health conditions. Besides the emphasis on good nutrition, the treatments emphasize the use of homeopathy and herbs.

The chief topics are:

  • How this direction of health care developed in Dr. Pitcairn’s experience.
  • What’s really in commercial pet foods.
  • The more recent changes in food quality, and its effect on health.
  • The larger context — the need for a cultural change in agriculture.
  • Alternative fresh food recipes to make at home.
  • Special diets for special health situations (young or pregnant animals, vegetarian diets).
  • Non-toxic grooming and flea control.
  • Benefits or exercise.
  • How to responsibly live with our companion animals.
  • Saying goodbye to our friends — coping with loss.
  • Natural care for common ailments.
  • Alternative treatments with homeopathy, herbs, and wholesome foods.
  • First aid tips, treatment of emergencies.
  • And more…

About the Authors:

Richard H. Pitcairn, DVM, PhD, was a teacher and researcher in veterinary medicine at the University of Washington, worked at an SPCA clinic and had a holistic small animal practice for twenty years, focussing on nutrition and homeopathy. He has trained over 500 veterinarians, lectured widely and co-founded the Academy of Veterinary Homeopathy.

Susan Hubble Pitcairn, MS, has had a lifelong interest in understanding and promoting natural, sustainable and conscious living and has teamed up with Dr. Pitcairn on this book since its first edition in 1981. She is also known for her inspirational poetry and artwork.

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