Homeopathic Ledum is made from a plant known as Marsh Labrador Tea or Wild Rosemary. The full latin name is Ledum palustre. In traditional herbalism, the crushed leaves of Ledum palustre are applied topically for bug bites and stings. In homeopathic literature, Ledum is recommended for minor puncture wounds as well as bug bites and stings. A specific indication is that the area feels better with a cold application. Think about those swollen, hot, itchy bug bites that feel relieved by pressing a can of cold soda or bag of frozen peas against it.
You can take Ledum homeopathic pellets orally or topically. For oral use, 30c potency and 3-5 pellets under the tongue as needed. For topical use, consider StingStop gel by Boericke & Tafel. Using both oral and topical simultaneously offers a nice two-pronged approach.
Ledum is a remedy that's great to have on hand. Many people stock it in their homeopathic first aid chest. It's also a great "ambassador" remedy. Everyone gets bug bites and Ledum offers reliable relief.