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Northern Light Desk Lamp

$ 230.00

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Price: $230
This item is typically in stock at the store for pick up.

The Northern Light Desk Lamp delivers bright light by combining high-output fluorescent tubes with a large high-performance parabolic reflector. This results in a highly efficient unit that draws only 80 Watts, yet delivers 10,000 Lux at a comfortable distance of up to 18 inches. The power in our unit is channeled into light, not heat. The lamp height and angle adjustments allow you to obtain maximum comfort while enjoying the Northern Light Desk Lamp. Additionally, our large reflector provides diffuse bright light without losing intensity rapidly as you move away from the lamp. The Northern Light Desk Lamp can also be used at home or at the office, for any task that requires bright lighting.

Features include:
  • 10,000 Lux at up to 18 inches
  • Electronically powered for no flicker & no hum
  • No UV & Very low EMF
  • 7 Year unlimited warranty through the manufacturer
Product Specs:
  • Wattage : Two 36 Watt tubes
  • Size of  Base : 11 x 6 inches
  • Size of Shade : 17.5 x 8 inches
  • Height : 2 feet
  • Weight : 8 lbs
  • Made in North America with CSA safety approval

Our bright light products simulate outdoor light intensity. Just the like the sun, the Northern Light Desk Lamp shines down into your eyes from above and lights up your whole face. To get light therapy your eyes must fall in the 10,000 Lux area. This makes getting 10,000 Lux with small units very difficult because you need to sit very close and still.

Bigger is better!

    Made in North America with CSA safety approval

    *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.