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Grounding Green Flourish Spray 1 oz

$ 16.95

Green flowers to strengthen Body-Earth alignment

* Builds strength, resilience and vitality in the body, through alignment with Earth’s life forces
* Provides grounding and stabilizing forces that protect from psychic ­dysfunction and immune distress in high intensity urban and technological environments
* Facilitates harmonious and vitalizing connection with Earth substances and forces when used for healing, gardening, artistic or professional pursuits
* Guides consciousness from “ego” to “eco” – so that ecological values move beyond abstract rules or political formulas, toward a vibrant awareness of the Earth as a living being
* Motivates when feelings of discouragement, despair, or apathy threaten one’s ­positive outlook and active commitment to work for the healing and transformation of the Earth
* Increases appreciation of the Earth during travel, recreation or work by sensitizing awareness and perception for micro and macro manifestations of life
* Cultivates connection for children who do not feel bonded with Nature due to excessive urbanization and technological influences
* Fosters animal communication and connection – especially animals that may be suffering from urban stress – can be used by both caretaker and animal


Flower essences: Green Rein Orchid, Green Bells of Ireland, Lady’s Mantle, Green Rose, Green Cross Gentian and Green Nicotiana; Essential oils: Silver Fir, Sitka Spruce, Cedarwood

Product of Flower Essence Services, Nevada City, California. Indications by Patricia Kaminski, © Flower Essence Services, used by permission. Permission is required for re-use.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Flower Essence Services

Grounding Green Flourish Spray 1 oz

$ 16.95

Green flowers to strengthen Body-Earth alignment

* Builds strength, resilience and vitality in the body, through alignment with Earth’s life forces
* Provides grounding and stabilizing forces that protect from psychic ­dysfunction and immune distress in high intensity urban and technological environments
* Facilitates harmonious and vitalizing connection with Earth substances and forces when used for healing, gardening, artistic or professional pursuits
* Guides consciousness from “ego” to “eco” – so that ecological values move beyond abstract rules or political formulas, toward a vibrant awareness of the Earth as a living being
* Motivates when feelings of discouragement, despair, or apathy threaten one’s ­positive outlook and active commitment to work for the healing and transformation of the Earth
* Increases appreciation of the Earth during travel, recreation or work by sensitizing awareness and perception for micro and macro manifestations of life
* Cultivates connection for children who do not feel bonded with Nature due to excessive urbanization and technological influences
* Fosters animal communication and connection – especially animals that may be suffering from urban stress – can be used by both caretaker and animal


Flower essences: Green Rein Orchid, Green Bells of Ireland, Lady’s Mantle, Green Rose, Green Cross Gentian and Green Nicotiana; Essential oils: Silver Fir, Sitka Spruce, Cedarwood

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