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Elder Berries Organic Dried 4 Oz

$ 15.64

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Sambucus nigra.

Organic dried Elder berries from Starwest botanicals.  

These delicious, colorful, and bright berries come from the elder tree. Dried elderberries are packed with polyphenols, which act as antioxidants that may help support the immune system.*

Elder - also known as Sambucus nigra - originated in Europe and belongs to the Adoxaceae family. The elder plant is part of deeply rooted customs for both Europeans and Native Americans. As part of a European tradition, an offering for all medicinal plants was made to the Elder Mother.

Organic elderberries' slightly sweet yet tangy flavor is berry delicious prepared into jams, syrups, and wines and baked into pastries and pies.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.