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Essiac: A Native Herbal Center Remedy

$ 12.50

By Cynthia Olsen
144 Pages


This book gives a complete account of the recipe, the doses and of Essiac's uses now available through health food stores. Tells of experience of patients who have attained relief or regeneration from this remarkable herbal preparation.

This book is a compilation of research, data and testimonials about Essiac – the herbal based formula who have helped thousands attain relief and regeneration from cancer. You will learn how to safely navigate the preparation, doses and uses of Essiac. Included is the history and development of this ancient healing remedy.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Essiac: A Native Herbal Center Remedy-Book-Lotus Press-Castle Remedies
Cynthia Olsen

Essiac: A Native Herbal Center Remedy

$ 12.50
By Cynthia Olsen
144 Pages


This book gives a complete account of the recipe, the doses and of Essiac's uses now available through health food stores. Tells of experience of patients who have attained relief or regeneration from this remarkable herbal preparation.

This book is a compilation of research, data and testimonials about Essiac – the herbal based formula who have helped thousands attain relief and regeneration from cancer. You will learn how to safely navigate the preparation, doses and uses of Essiac. Included is the history and development of this ancient healing remedy.

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